Zola Payne’s request for prayer

PYENG YANG, KOREA              OCTOBER 1, 1932

A request for your earnest prayers

                                                                                                Zola Payne

Methodist and Presbyterian Churches in a common program for an all Korean Evangelistic campaign that gives promise of large results for which we request your earnest prayers. November 27th is to be “Decision Day” plans for special evangelistic work The Revival Committee has prepared a small, “LIFE OF CHRIST” in scriptural language, and an earnest effort is being made to secure funds from the Korean Church and the various missions so that a copy of this book can be put in every non- Christian home in our territory just before Christmas. Already 90,000 copies of this “LIFE OF CHRIST” have been ordered, and we confidently expect that at least ONE MILLION Copies will be issued.

In spite of the confused condition of the East we have never seen a greater opportunity or more united effort on the part of the Christian force in Korea. Please notice the dates given and pray earnestly that God’s blessing may attend every step of the program.

Zola Payne was a missionary nurse at Union Christian Hospital in Pyeng Yang (Pyongyang), Korea. Between 1920-1939 she wrote letters to her cousin, Minnie Rudolph, my Grandmother. Her letters give witness to the strength and courage of the church. The fervent spirit of our Korean brothers and sisters in the Lord is undeniable. The Kingdom of God {the Church} in Korea, truly is the Jerusalem of the East.

The Kingdom of God {the Church} in Korea, truly is the Jerusalem of the East.

I hear the call to prayer, yet, today. North Korea is one of the worst countries, if not the worst, for persecution against Christians and all humanity. The voice of Truth, the Life Of Christ, cannot be silenced and is being spoken in the dark prisons of North Korea. The light of world cannot and will not be put out. His Light Shines all the brighter. I challenge us all to place our hands in the hands of North and South Korean brothers and sisters in the Lord and pray earnestly.



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