Korea belongs to the Koreans

Many Americans assume that Japan’s occupation of Korea began at the beginning of WWII. However, Japan cruelly dominated Korea for well over 40 years, long before WWII. Koreans were treated as secondary citizens in their own country—not allowed to speak their own language, where traditional…

Asking My Father In Heaven For A Miracle : Hana {One Korea}

Asking My Father In Heaven For A Miracle I believe the words that Jesus, said to us, “Ask the Father and He will give us what we ask for.” I recently visited the DMZ in South Korea, September 9, 2016. I gazed at the separation…

Divided : 1950- PRESENT

Divided Family, by Taiwon-Koh Printed 1959 This out of print book I found in a resale shop. I knew this book was about Korea without reading a page just by it’s title. The pages are falling apart and I have to put it in…